Meet Miss World 2011 Contestant - Singapore - May HSU's Photo & Profile/Biography/Interview

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Miss World 2011 - Singapore - May HSU


Name : May HSU
Age : 21
Height : 171
Languages : English, Chinese & Thai


May is currently completing a diploma in biomedical science. Her future ambition is to become a doctor and provide healthcare for the less privileged. Her hobbies include: reading sci-fi novels, netball, swimming and listening to music. May plays the piano, clarinet, tuba and the drums. Her personal motto is: ‘seek for the solution instead of the problem.’


Tell us a little something about your Country ?

We pride our people in being the best “product”. Singapore comprises a large mixture of different races and customs. It allows us to be unique in our thinking and mindset for we are able to understand and empathise with others. Thus, we are versatile in our talent.

Future ambitions ?

To be a doctor and to be able to teach and provide healthcare to the less privileged.

Describe yourself

I prefer to laugh than to cry. Life is too short hence I choose to not be affected by the materialistic aspect but instead choose to focus on the priceless moments of life.

Personal Motto?

Seek for the solution instead of the problem. It takes a bigger man to find the solution than to fuss over the things that cannot be undone.

Favourite Music / Books ?

I believe books are food for the mind.

What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

It would be for my netball team. We managed to oust the hot favourites out by reducing errors on our side and fighting hard to the very last minute. To have a team of twelve thinking alike and equally motivated is not an easy feat.

Special Talents ?

I am relatively ambidextrous.

Any other interesting facts ?

I enjoy taking long walks. I love sports – the most extreme period was when I was training an average of 4 hours a day. When I am fit, I feel good.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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