Meet Miss World 2011 Contestant - Scotland - Jennifer REOCH

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Miss World 2011 - Scotland - Jennifer REOCH


Name : Jennifer REOCH
Age : 22
Height : 182
Languages : English & French


Jennifer has a degree in Scottish law and French Language. One day she hopes to travel the world and embrace many different cultures. Jennifer is a keen sportswoman and enjoys athletics, netball and horse riding.


Tell us a little something about your Country ?

Scotland is a small but brilliant country. It has a rich and diverse culture and despite its size, produces some of the world’s greatest inventions, successful actors and performers and world class sporting talent. It is a beautiful country full of friendly people.

Future ambitions ?

I would love to travel the world. I have been lucky enough to visit many different places around two continents but I would love to explore all the other exciting places that the remaining continents have to offer.

Describe yourself

I like to think I’m an outgoing, friendly and confident individual and will always aim to do what I can to help other people. Also, with my determination to succeed I will always do my best as I feel it is important to be myself.

Personal Motto?

Failure is not an option.

Favourite food ?

Italian cuisine is probably my favourite.

Favourite Music / Books ?

My favourite book of all time is ‘The Great Gatsby’ and my favourite song is by Baz Lurhman, ‘Everybody’s Free (to wear sunscreen)’. It is quite an obscure song choice but full of great life advice. In general music tastes however I enjoy a wide variety of music.

Do you have any pets?

Yes, my family have two guinea pigs and a pet goldfish.

What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

I have been lucky enough to have had many proud moments in my life so far from speaking in the European Parliament as part of the Euroscola Programme to becoming Head Girl at my high school.

Special Talents ?

I can play the violin and throughout my time at school I was involved in various dance classes including tap, contemporary and hip-hop.

Any other interesting facts ?

I was an active member of the Student Television Society ‘GUST’ at University. I organised my University graduation ball for over 150 people. I did a tandem skydive for my 21st birthday.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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