Meet Miss World 2011 Contestant - South Africa - Bokang Ramaredi MONTJANE

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Miss World 2011 - South Africa - Bokang Ramaredi MONTJANE


Name : Bokang Ramaredi MONTJANE
Age : 25
Height : 174
Languages : English, Sepedi, South Sotha, Tswana, Isizulu & Af


Bokang has a degree in public relations. She intends on using this to run her own talk show tackling social issues. Hobbies include: singing, dancing and giving motivated talks to disadvantaged youth.


Tell us a little something about your Country ?

South Africa lays in its people, in the landscapes and its diversity.

Future ambitions ?

To own a top arts and confidence school for girls in South Africa. To have my own talk show tackling social issues.

Describe yourself

I am a hardworking and perseverant individual filled with passion and determination. I believe we can all contribute to making the world a better place by doing our bit.

Personal Motto?

Just as a drop has all the qualities of an open ocean, as do I of my Creator, that’s how I know I can do all things I want to do as the power lies within.

Favourite food ?

I love pap and tribe which is a traditional meat.

Favourite Music / Books ?

My favourite books are ‘The Secret’, ‘If I Can You Can’ and ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. I enjoy Gospel music and house music.

Do you have any pets?

No, I do not.

What is the proudest moment of your life or most memorable day?

My most memorable day was the day I graduated as I have given hope to all my siblings and cousins as I am the eldest child.

Special Talents ?


Any other interesting facts ?

I love giving motivational talks and public speaking and I have a passion for instilling self-esteem and confidence in the youth, especially young girls.

source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)

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